I’m not sure how to begin any type of introduction here. An introduction came to me in my dreams last night but it was of the statistical, Playboy ‘bio’ variety. My name is. I’m this old. I enjoy walking here and reading that. Odd dream.
I’ve had the needling suspicion for a long time that there is secret magic in clearing space. Physical space, emotional space, head space, domestic space, closet space, silverware drawer space.
In the struggle to find my ‘right’ life, my true purpose, I’ve read. I’ve written. I’ve confessed and divulged. Self-help books, journals, companions and therapists. I’ve explored them all. Nothing took. Nothing clicked. I knew truth when I read it. I saw empowerment when I’d write of it. All lofty life enriching, higher enlightenment, greater self type stuff. It was all up there with the cumulus clouds that resemble the opening shot of The Simpsons.
I knew it was possible. That it existed. I still know. Inner peace. Certainty of my soul’s wisdom. Breath. My spirit at rest. Finally. Yet it remained just beyond my reach.
My heart recognizes my truth when I see it. I’ve read Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Martha Beck, Cheryl Richardson, Ekhart Tolle. Okay, I didn’t always 'read' read them. Sometimes I’d just check them out at the library and stack them in a pile next to my bed. A couple I did read cover to cover: Finding Your Own North Star. You Can Heal Your Life. Finding Your Passion Or maybe I watched the DVD, listened to the audio book.
But as I ‘read’ so to speak, one of the many little voices in my head would say, “You already know this. What are you reading this for? You are wasting your time.” It felt like reviewing fractions at the beginning of the school year.
It wasn’t “Oh, I’m so smart,” in that know-it-all, I don’t need this crap sort of way. But more of a “Stop treading water,” sort of way. “Get on with it,” my little voices began to gang up on me. But I didn’t know how. What do I do? The Secret and other law of attraction material had me wondering if I could just want it, think of it, visualize it enough that 'it' would simply appear.
‘It’ being my perfect life. Published author, little cottage by the sea, solitary domesticity. Waking up each day with the sole purpose of following my bliss.
So I buckled down: affirmations, writing scenes of my perfect life as if it were already true, meditations, vision ‘boards’ of one type or another. All good. All valuable. Yet my life wouldn’t budge. My reality, my day-to-day remained firm.
Please do not misinterpret the struggle I’m describing here as criticism of the authors or material I’ve mentioned above. I am a fan, a true believer in them all. Well, almost all. I’m already sold on the concepts. Each premise. I get it. I believe I create my own life. I am already convinced. Like I said, my heart knows. My soul resonates when it finds truth. I can actually feel a physical change in my body chemistry when this happens.
But even so, something was off. Reading this stuff was like memorizing the sales brochure for a vacuum system I’d already purchased. I get it, this is the way to go, but what now? How do I proceed? I bought the Kirby, why isn’t my carpet clean?
Not always but often in the books and DVDs I was absorbing, or sleeping right next to, there would be a reference to cleaning, purging, organizing, ridding, simplifying. And at these times, an especially clear tone rang within me. “Truth! Truth! Truth,” it rang.
For years, I’ve read inspired and inspiring, uplifting truth. Eventually, I came to notice a pattern: the passages specifically addressing physical clutter, ‘spoke’ to me more profoundly than the surrounding words of wisdom.
I had a sense there was something secret hidden here. One of those inner voices would say, “Yes, there will be unexpected magic on the other side of going through and tossing most of your material possessions.” But she was kind of a soft spoken voice and there were numerous, much more insistent voices saying that it couldn’t be that simple. That the physical act of cleaning out your home, your life is too easy. This could not be the secret. ‘Barbie’s Secret.’ “Reaching your perfect life has got to be more complicated, more difficult than just clearing out possessions. Making space. Sorting through your stuff.” (Bossy voice!) No, cleaning out a drawer is not lofty or metaphysical enough. Could attaining my perfect life come through the manual labor of cleaning out? It couldn't possibly be the mystical, transcendental answer I've been looking for. Could it?
I’m about to find out.
I’m giving that soft spoken voice the floor. The floor, the closets, the drawers, my email inbox. All of these and more. Everything I own is at risk. Starting today.
April 14, 2010: Among many other things ~ the red, beaded clock, Colin's old Speedo goggles from the swim lessons he hated, an dusty tub of bird seed ( seed now scattered under the fir tree outside my window, tub in recycle), James Herriot book of animal stories
July 13, 2014
10 years ago
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